'Approximately 50% of the operators' work involves the verification of rights. The process became an automated one and now the data is automatically extracted, simplifying the work of those people. This was the greatest gain, considering the fact that this chart alone could mean two days of work and now it only resumes to one minute. Not to mention the fact that errors were only natural when the processing was rendered manually'
Implementation of the Form Application for OTP Bank
- Camelia Drenscu
IT Manager, OTP Bank România
About the Organization
OTP Bank Romania is part of OTP Group and currently has 106 units, making up a bank which provides high quality financial services. OTP Bank is one of the most profitable financial groups in the region, a fact indicated by the stocks value, which is now 70 times bigger compared to the initial officer from 1995.
Initial status
OTP Bank Romania did not have an electronic form solution up to the date when the SharePoint based solution was implemented. All forms were processed in writing and sent between the company's branches.
The form application developed on SharePoint technology. Considering OTP Bank's specific needs, several particular components were developed.
The first benefit of implementing the electronic form solutions was a cost decrease, since the courier expenses and other related costs (paper, facsimile, etc. were eliminated).
Second of all, the processing period for the form pertaining rights were reduced from 24 to 12 hours. Furthermore, there is an electronic archive with all application rights and a portfolio on the internal client level (employee of OTP Bank Romania), represented by all actions of that employee.
The application pertaining to amendment and periodic verification forms for resource access rights is integrated with the core banking application.