Correct licensing - Challenge or peace of mind?
The availability of a wide range of licensing programs and their relatively quick evolution can make the purchase of such software difficult for the beneficiaries.
Licensing programs rating
For you, being constantly informed regarding the licensing programs, individually and comparatively rating them, and choosing the most suitable one for your technological and business needs may become complicated and time consuming. That is why we are here to help you.
Our licensing experts will assist you in identifying the licensing solution that is most suitable to your company's business needs. Find out everything about the Q'NET solutions on Microsoft technology (ro).
Licensing done correctly
Eliminate the risk of incorrectly or erroneously licensing software.
Microsoft Licensing
Our licensing specialists will closely assist you in indentifying the best licensing solution for your company's business needs.
Microsoft Azure
Is Azure the perfect choice for your company? (ro)
Microsoft Office 365
Depending on the needs of your company, there is a subscription plan of Office 365 that fits you.
Compare now all Office 365 plans
Reduction of the infrastructure related costs and the reduction of TCO*.
The exclusion of the risks related to the use of unlicensed products or to the incorrect licensing.
Obtaining an agile infrastructure, capable of adapting rapidly to the dynamics of the business environment. Moreover, we will transfer to you our ‘know-how’ related to the good practices in enterprise software management.
We work fast and you can easily contact us
We can help you in choosing the correct licensing software. You can contact us easily and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
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